- Season 6 Episode 259 : Episode 259

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- Season 6 Episode 259 : Episode 259

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Daleen and Tertius hear that Osie will be sitting in on their meeting with ds. Willie while Oliver's unsuccessful in his attempts to shake off Fabiana. Joeke tells Hannah what she needs to do to save Ivan. Warrick's stomach ache gets worse and Nadia and Gary hear that RPK's in trouble. At tells Rian that he didn't know about Stefanie's plans. Quinton tells Tertius that he must fight for Daleen if he loves her. Emilio asks Oliver to help Joeke and Franz conronts Joeke about not answering his phone calls.

Title - Season 6 Episode 259 : Episode 259
Alternative Titles
Subtitle Available south-korea.png france.png Germany.png italy.png espain.png belanda.png portugal.png hungaria.png ETC.
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